The North Carolina mountains have always played a special part each year in getting the Cardinal Classic Cycling Women's Team ready to race each season. Here's a word from Sky Ridge Yurts, who hosts our spring training camp each year.

A Word From One Of Our Sponsors...
Sky Ridge means a lot of things to me. It’s a way to provide for my family. It’s a way to do what I love to do, and that’s sharing the mountains with others. It’s a lot more, too. But once every year, it’s a way for me to rekindle a connection to something I’ve lost. Once a year, I get to host the spring training camp for the Cardinal Classic Cycling Women’s Cycling Team. Unless you’re deep into it – or love someone who is – you may not know all the details of what the sport of cycling is all about. For most of us, encountering a cyclist is either a surefire way of backing up traffic or a chance to marvel at how anyone can brave hills and miles without a motor. Cycling is so much more than that. Cycling is a team sport, and one that takes countless hours of training to master. I know that because my late husband used to be on a team. . So, when the ladies of Cardinal Classic Cycling rolled up on the Ridge this past March, I couldn’t help but smile. It just seemed natural to sponsor this team. It’s my friend Shane’s baby. The winding roads and rolling hills of the mountains will surely whip any team into shape. And the relaxing backdrop of the yurts can foster camaraderie in just about anyone.
They spent four days here, using Sky Ridge as a base camp for some brutal climbing, field sprints, and endurance training. They got all new gear for the season from Classic Cycling. They took John, their title sponsor from Cardinal Partners Real Estate, on a team ride. But what they really did was bring me back to a time when cyclists were always front and center in my world. Seeing their bikes and bike stuff scattered around, watching the enormous amount of carbs being consumed to fuel the day’s ride, hearing the coaching between new riders and old, and seeing the smiles of all involved was probably way more valuable to me than the cost of the sponsorship was to them. Cycling produces the best people in the world. I know this because I’ve seen it proven true time and time again. And somehow, pouring into the best people in the world makes you feel guilty by association. And I’m very proud to be associated with the Cardinal Classic Cycling Women’s Team. .